The Board of Commissioners are required to adopt an annual tax budget, levy taxes, and adopt an annual budget for most of the County Elected Officials, Agency and Departments. The tax budget process begins in May of each year, with Elected Officials, Agency and Departments, submitting a budget request for the following year. After conducting a public hearing in July the Board of Commissioners adopts the tax budget. The tax budget provides the public with an opportunity to review the need for taxes and other public funds and how those funds are anticipated to be spent. The tax budget is submitted to the Budget Commission who will certify to the Board of Commissioners the estimated revenue and authorized tax levy receipts for the upcoming year. During the months that follow, Elected Officials, Agencies and Departments are given the opportunity to modify their requests. After a review of the modified request the County Administrator and Deputy County Administrator prepare and submit a final annual budget to the Board of Commissioners for approval, usually late December early January. This process is repeated annually.
Any questions regarding Warren County's budget or financial matters in general, should be directed to Susan Walther, Deputy County Administrator at (513) 695-1250 or at